Magnetic Diagnosis - Magnetic Resonance.
Magnetic resonance is an electronic device that allows the reception of waves emitted by the body and precisely determines its condition. The computer program processes the collected data, and the result is 35 analyses of the entire organism.
In March 2014 I bought Magnetic Analyser and tested myself and my family immediately. The analysis made by this Magnetic Resonance fascinated me. It turned out that each of us has some deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
We also all have exceeded the level of some heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, antimony, tal), and I have exceeded the Arsenic standard two times.
Here they informed us about the overstated norm of heavy metals, especially arsenic in drinking water and about the activities in this matter. However, the problem is still, and what's worse, medics have no way to remove heavy metals from the body.
Blood lead is generally believed that the relative safety standards should not exceed 10 micrograms to 14 micrograms / liter; long-term inhalation exposure to metallic lead or lead compounds in dust, can cause varying degrees of [lead poisoning] disease (serum concentration greater than 40 micrograms of lead / l); inhaled too much will harm the human nervous system, heart and respiratory system, causing varying degrees of lead poisoning; the human body, can lead to interference with a variety of enzymes with a wide range of physiological activities organisms, leading the body organ harm; the chance of lead poisoning in children is far more than adults.
Mercury ingested directly after sinking into the liver, brain, eye nerve damage greatly, mainly involving harm to human central nervous system, digestive system and kidneys, in addition to have a certain impact.of the respiratory system, skin, blood and eyes.
Cadmium would cause irritation for respiratory, long-term exposure can cause disease as loss of sense of smell, macular or gums had become a yellow circle, cadmium compounds can not easily be absorbed in the intestine, but can be absorbed into the body through breathing, accumulation in the liver or kidney cause obvious damage to the kidneys. Especially with the bone metabolic disruption, resulting in osteoporosis, atrophy, deformation and a series of symptoms.
Chromium in nature mainly in the trivalent form of chromium and hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium is mainly harm for people with chronic poisoning, which can be through the digestive tract, respiratory tract, skin and mucous membrane into the human body. The body accumulates mainly in liver, kidney and endocrine glands in the. Through the respiratory tract is easy to accumulate in the lungs. Hexavalent chromium has a strong oxidation, so the chronic poisoning often began with the development of local damage to the hopeless. Invade the body through the respiratory tract, the start against the upper respiratory tract, causing rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, bronchitis.
Arsenic invades the human body, discharge by the urine, digestive tract, saliva, breast discharge, then accumulation in the Ministry of osteoporosis, liver, kidney, spleen, muscle, hair, nails and other parts. Arsenic on the nervous system, stimulate the blood-forming organs, a small amount into the human body a long time, have a stimulating effect on erythropoiesis, long-term exposure to arsenic poisoning can cause cell and capillary poisoning, may also induce cancer.
Antimony is a silvery white metal of natural, can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin, continuous exposure may damage the heart and liver function, inhalation of high levels of antimony antimony poisoning can cause symptoms including vomiting, headaches, breathing difficulties, and severe may cause dying.
Thallium as a strong nerve poison, damage effect for the liver and kidney. Inhalation, oral can cause acute poisoning; also can be absorbed through the skin.
Until today, I have not met a single person who would not have a surplus of heavy metals in the body. Heavy metals, mainly arsenic, lead and cadmium, dominate in my research, they poison our bodies and are one of the main causes of disease. From this it follows that drinking water tests carried out by officials are either done inaccurately or are falsified.
At the end of the twentieth century, I received a message from the Ministrantum (Ministers of God) how in a simple and natural way can heavy metals be removed from the body. So anyone who orders a magnetic resonance from me will get instructions on how to cleanse the body of poisons.
The deficiency of vitamins and minerals has a very negative effect on health, and worse than deficiency is their excess. The same applies to dairy products too. Use of multivitamins and multiminarals is very dangerous, because you can easily make a surplus of some of them.
The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of living organisms. It is capable of carrying out all basic life processes like metabolism, growth and reproduction. It is the basic morphological and functional unit of every living system.
In each cell complex processes take place, during which the cell extracts certain nutrients from its environment and after the processing of matter expels unnecessary products. Each cell performs a function in the body.
In the body of an adult, 25 million cells are divided for a second, and blood cells are renewed constantly at a rate of about 100 million per minute.
Cell death is a consequence of the development of the multicellular organism, but also the action of non-destructive factors on them is destructive. It is a natural process and does not mean cell disease. However, the problem is if it concerns more cells.
The death of cells occurs when they are adversely affected, ex. by poor nutrition, lack of minerals, vitamins, high and low temperatures, toxins, negative emotions, negative radiation in places.etc. Cells are constantly in motion and emit electromagnetic waves.
Sensational Discovery - Diagnosis at a Distance.
Next day day after receiving the Magnetic Resonance, I was wondering if it was possible to make a diagnosis of resonance at a distance. I do distance diagnoses, heal remotely, and even heal spines at a distance. So why not try the same with magnetic resonance?
Since I had already had physical magnetic resonance imaging, I decided to do the same, but I asked my spirit for participation. To my great surprise, the machine did the test. When I compared the study, I was dumbfounded because it was comparable to a physical examination.
On the second day, I told this discovery to my Illinois patient and without hesitation Mrs. Eve asked for a diagnosis. She described her feelings below:
Mar 20 at 7:59 PM.
My sensation while diagnosing me with magnetic resonance is a tingling in the whole body, and in the brain a strong spin. My ears are squeezed and my nose is a little, and in the area of the solar plexus I have experienced moderate pain and I still had hot flashes. It's been an hour after the surgery and I still feel it.
Burbank., Illinois, U.S. A.
So far, it has been the most intense feeling at a distance. Typically, patients only feel a slight tingling all over their body, sometimes describing it as a pleasant tingling.
The question now is whether a physical or spiritual diagnosis is better?
Of course, the spiritual magnetic diagnosis is better because it is more accurate because it scans the spirit. The spiritual body is the basic body, without the spiritual body, the physical does not exist. The spiritual body first automatically absorbs all emotional and health changes. This body goes to the spirit world when it dies physically.
I must add here that this study is not for anyone else to carry out, because no one else has such authorizations.
It is the first and only electronic device in the world for scanning the spiritual body from any distance!
I've been told that physical magnetic resonance in Chicago costs $ 240, and it costs me only $ 50.
Okay, diagnosis done and what's next?
I do not suggest ignoring this diagnosis, because in a few months, maybe even years, health problems will multiply, then healing the body will be more expensive, or it may be too late to help.
Everyone should find their own doctor or healer to improve their health. Practice proves that supplementing the body's deficiency of vitamins, minerals and enzymes takes at least six months, even a year and more. Later you can do a check-up.
Preparation for diagnosis.
On the day before the diagnosis and on an agreed date, you should not consume any alcohol or drugs and restrict drinking coffee.
Importantly, in case of health problems, I can help or advise, but I am not able to help everyone, I can help only single people.
The analysis is done in English and Polish, in other languages will be later.
The diagnosis for children up to 12 years contains only four basic tests:
Coenzymes (protein components)
Trace elements
Amino acids
This diagnosis is very precise so the following exact and latest data is needed:
1. Name and surname
2. Date of birth (in a month).
3. Place, state / province, country.
4. The exact weight in kg.
5. The exact increase in cm.
6. E-mail to submit the survey.
Exammple of woman's diagnosis (download).
Warning. Diagnoses can not be made for someone without the physical consent of that person. The exception are children and incapacitated persons.